Bug #4985

Backing out of app breaks pause and play abilities for Radio

Added by LizGrauel almost 3 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:04/08/2015
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


RZ 0.1.apk
Nexus 7, 5.0.2

1. Launch RZ
2. Tap on Play button to begin radio playback
3. Attempt to back out of app while play is initiating
4. When app closes, reopen from device homescreen

Expected: User can control radio playback from app action bar
Actual: Action bar shows not-playing state, user cannot stop playback until they force close the app

Log: https://gist.github.com/LizGrauel/a9e6b4f15105928a9c9a

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