Bug #3589

Orbot not working with rooted acer a200

Added by Anonymous over 3 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:07/15/2014
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


Tried: uninstall/reinstall, adding 1 bridge, changing bridge, adding 2 bridges simult, denied root, granted root, checking tuts and docs, WiFi on/off.

Hardware: Acer iconiatab a200
OS: Omni 4.4.2 (android)
Root: yes

Orbot is starting…
tor: PRE: Is binary exec? true
polipo: PRE: Is binary exec? true
obfsclient: PRE: Is binary exec? true
xtables: PRE: Is binary exec? true
Orbot is starting…
Orbot is starting…
Reading control port config file: /data/data/org.torproject.android/app_bin/control.txt
Connecting to control port: 56623
SUCCESS connected to Tor control port
Error connecting to Tor local control port
Reading control port config file: /data/data/org.torproject.android/app_bin/control.txt
Connecting to control port: 56623
SUCCESS connected to Tor control port
SUCCESS - authenticated to control port
Starting Tor client… complete.
adding control port event handler
SUCCESS added control port event handler
Tor started; process id=5219
updating settings in Tor service
NOTICE: Opening Socks listener on
NOTICE: Opening Transparent pf/netfilter listener on
NOTICE: Opening DNS listener on
Starting polipo process
NOTICE: Ignoring directory request, since no bridge nodes are available yet.
Polipo is running on port:8118
Polipo process id=5229
orConnStatus (shadesh): CLOSED
orConnStatus ($429AB395268611426D02E28DBEEEFF7E6C8FC207): LAUNCHED
orConnStatus ($6502A8C059754235158C278AA083BDC8911124DA): LAUNCHED
orConnStatus ($429AB395268611426D02E28DBEEEFF7E6C8FC207): CONNECTED
orConnStatus ($6502A8C059754235158C278AA083BDC8911124DA): CONNECTED
NOTICE: Bootstrapped 20%: Asking for networkstatus consensus.
Circuit (2) BUILT: $429AB395268611426D02E28DBEEEFF7E6C8FC207
Circuit (3) BUILT: $6502A8C059754235158C278AA083BDC8911124DA
NOTICE: Bootstrapped 50%: Loading relay descriptors.
NOTICE: new bridge descriptor 'ec2bridger0e889f20' (fresh): $429AB395268611426D02E28DBEEEFF7E6C8FC207~ec2bridger0e889f20 at
NOTICE: I learned some more directory information, but not enough to build a circuit: We have no recent usable consensus.
NOTICE: new bridge descriptor 'ec2bridger80c7cdfc' (fresh): $6502A8C059754235158C278AA083BDC8911124DA~ec2bridger80c7cdfc at
NOTICE: I learned some more directory information, but not enough to build a circuit: We have no recent usable consensus.
NOTICE: Application request when we haven't used client functionality lately. Optimistically trying directory fetches again.
WARN: Rejecting request for anonymous connection to private address [scrubbed] on a TransPort or NATDPort. Possible loop in your NAT rules?
NOTICE: Application request when we haven't used client functionality lately. Optimistically trying directory fetches again.
NOTICE: Application request when we haven't used client functionality lately. Optimistically trying directory fetches again.
Orbot is shutting down
Using control port to shutdown Tor
sending SHUTDOWN signal to Tor process
closing tor socket
Found polipo PID=5229 - killing now...

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