Bug #2712

If password is not stored, switching account to on should ask for it instead of failing

Added by Anonymous about 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:12/05/2013
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


#1 Updated by phoenix_nz almost 4 years ago

Here the OnCheckedChangeListener mCheckedChangeListner for mSignInSwitch (in ProviderListItem.java) calls the SignInManager implemented by AccountListActivity. When the implemented signIn Method fails only a toast is displayed.

The SignInManager implemented in by AccountListActivity could be extended to check if the account password is empty. If so the Intent.ACTION_EDIT could be started instead of attempting to sign in.

This might be too trivial though, as in general using SASL authentication, the password does not need to be known on the client. Therefore a more generalised solution would be to always attempt to sign in (as is done now), but display Intent.ACTION_EDIT on authentication failure.

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