Starting program: /media/share/code/guardianproject/android-ffmpeg/ffmpeg/ffmpeg -y -i ./leaktest.mp4 -b 500k -r 15 -s 480x320 -vcodec libx264 -acodec copy -f mp4 -vf redact=./leaktest.txt\ \[d\]\ \[out\],\[d\]nullsink /tmp/foo8.mp4 [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/i386-linux-gnu/". ffmpeg version 0.10.4 Copyright (c) 2000-2012 the FFmpeg developers built on Jun 28 2012 22:46:38 with gcc 4.6.3 configuration: --disable-stripping --target-os=linux --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-pic --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-small --enable-version3 --enable-gpl --enable-memalign-hack --disable-doc --disable-yasm --enable-decoder=mjpeg --enable-decoder=rawvideo --enable-encoder=libx264 --enable-muxer=mp4 --enable-demuxer=image2 --enable-demuxer=mjpeg --enable-demuxer=mp4 --enable-demuxer=mov --enable-parser=mjpeg --enable-filter=buffer --enable-filter=buffersink --enable-filter=drawbox --enable-filter=overlay --enable-filter=redact --enable-protocol=file --enable-hwaccels --enable-ffmpeg --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-ffserver --disable-network --enable-libx264 --enable-zlib --extra-cflags=-I../x264 --extra-ldflags=-L../x264 --disable-avdevice --disable-devices libavutil 51. 35.100 / 51. 35.100 libavcodec 53. 61.100 / 53. 61.100 libavformat 53. 32.100 / 53. 32.100 libavfilter 2. 61.100 / 2. 61.100 libswscale 2. 1.100 / 2. 1.100 libswresample 0. 6.100 / 0. 6.100 libpostproc 52. 0.100 / 52. 0.100 Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from './leaktest.mp4': Metadata: major_brand : 3gp4 minor_version : 768 compatible_brands: 3gp43gp6 Duration: 00:01:53.75, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 2366 kb/s Stream #0:0(eng): Video: h264 (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p, 720x480, 2299 kb/s, 29.93 fps, 29.92 tbr, 30k tbn, 60k tbc Metadata: handler_name : VideoHandler Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: aac (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 16000 Hz, mono, s16, 61 kb/s Metadata: handler_name : SoundHandler Please use -b:a or -b:v, -b is ambiguous [buffer @ 0x8c3f080] w:720 h:480 pixfmt:yuv420p tb:1/1000000 sar:0/1 sws_param: [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (0.0-0.1s) 81-181 x 84-184 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (0.1-0.2s) 97-197 x 86-186 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (0.2-0.3s) 114-214 x 89-189 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (0.3-0.4s) 130-230 x 91-191 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (0.4-0.5s) 147-247 x 93-193 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (0.5-0.6s) 160-260 x 93-193 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (0.6-0.7s) 169-269 x 89-189 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (0.7-0.8s) 179-279 x 86-186 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (0.8-0.9s) 188-288 x 82-182 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (0.9-1.0s) 198-298 x 78-178 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (1.0-1.1s) 207-307 x 75-175 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (1.1-1.2s) 217-317 x 71-171 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (1.2-1.3s) 226-326 x 68-168 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (1.3-1.4s) 235-335 x 64-164 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (1.4-1.5s) 238-338 x 63-163 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (1.5-1.6s) 234-334 x 63-163 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (1.6-1.7s) 229-329 x 63-163 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (1.7-1.8s) 224-324 x 63-163 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (1.8-1.9s) 220-320 x 63-163 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (1.9-2.0s) 215-315 x 63-163 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (2.0-2.1s) 210-310 x 63-163 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (2.1-2.2s) 206-306 x 63-163 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (2.2-2.3s) 201-301 x 64-164 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (2.3-2.4s) 196-296 x 64-164 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (2.4-2.5s) 192-292 x 64-164 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (2.5-2.6s) 187-287 x 64-164 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (2.6-2.7s) 182-282 x 64-164 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (2.7-2.8s) 178-278 x 64-164 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (2.8-2.9s) 173-273 x 64-164 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (2.9-3.0s) 169-269 x 64-164 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (3.0-3.1s) 173-273 x 64-164 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (3.1-3.2s) 177-277 x 65-165 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (3.2-3.3s) 180-280 x 65-165 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (3.3-3.4s) 184-284 x 65-165 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (3.4-3.5s) 188-288 x 65-165 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (3.5-3.6s) 192-292 x 65-165 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (3.6-3.7s) 195-295 x 65-165 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (3.7-3.8s) 199-299 x 65-165 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (3.8-3.9s) 203-303 x 65-165 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (3.9-4.0s) 207-307 x 66-166 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (4.0-4.1s) 210-310 x 66-166 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (4.1-4.2s) 214-314 x 66-166 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (4.2-4.3s) 218-318 x 66-166 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (4.3-4.4s) 222-322 x 66-166 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (4.4-4.5s) 225-325 x 66-166 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (4.5-4.6s) 229-329 x 66-166 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (4.6-4.7s) 233-333 x 66-166 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (4.7-4.8s) 237-337 x 66-166 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (4.8-4.9s) 240-340 x 67-167 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (4.9-5.0s) 244-344 x 67-167 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (5.0-5.1s) 238-338 x 67-167 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (5.1-5.2s) 232-332 x 67-167 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (5.2-5.3s) 226-326 x 67-167 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (5.3-5.4s) 220-320 x 67-167 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (5.4-5.5s) 213-313 x 67-167 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (5.5-5.6s) 207-307 x 68-168 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (5.6-5.7s) 201-301 x 68-168 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (5.7-5.8s) 195-295 x 68-168 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (5.8-5.9s) 189-289 x 68-168 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (5.9-6.0s) 185-285 x 68-168 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (6.0-6.1s) 184-284 x 68-168 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (6.1-6.2s) 184-284 x 67-167 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (6.2-6.3s) 183-283 x 67-167 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (6.3-6.4s) 183-283 x 66-166 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (6.4-6.5s) 182-282 x 66-166 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (6.5-6.6s) 181-281 x 65-165 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (6.6-6.7s) 181-281 x 65-165 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (6.7-6.8s) 180-280 x 65-165 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (6.8-6.9s) 179-279 x 64-164 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (6.9-7.0s) 179-279 x 64-164 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (7.0-7.1s) 178-278 x 63-163 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (7.1-7.2s) 178-278 x 63-163 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (7.2-7.3s) 177-277 x 62-162 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (7.3-7.4s) 176-276 x 62-162 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (7.4-7.5s) 176-276 x 62-162 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (7.5-7.6s) 175-275 x 61-161 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (7.6-7.7s) 174-274 x 61-161 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (7.7-7.8s) 174-274 x 60-160 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (7.8-7.9s) 173-273 x 60-160 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (7.9-8.0s) 172-272 x 59-159 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (8.0-8.1s) 172-272 x 59-159 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (8.1-8.2s) 171-271 x 59-159 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (8.2-8.3s) 171-271 x 58-158 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (8.3-8.4s) 170-270 x 58-158 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (8.4-8.5s) 169-269 x 57-157 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (8.5-8.6s) 169-269 x 57-157 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (8.6-8.7s) 168-268 x 57-157 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (8.7-8.8s) 167-267 x 56-156 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (8.8-8.9s) 167-267 x 56-156 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (8.9-9.0s) 166-266 x 55-155 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (9.0-9.1s) 166-266 x 55-155 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (9.1-9.2s) 165-265 x 54-154 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (9.2-9.3s) 164-264 x 54-154 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (9.3-9.4s) 164-264 x 54-154 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (9.4-9.5s) 163-263 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (9.5-9.6s) 162-262 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (9.6-9.7s) 162-262 x 52-152 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (9.7-9.8s) 161-261 x 52-152 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (9.8-9.9s) 160-260 x 51-151 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (9.9-10.0s) 160-260 x 51-151 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (10.0-10.1s) 159-259 x 51-151 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (10.1-10.2s) 159-259 x 50-150 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (10.2-10.3s) 157-257 x 50-150 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (10.3-10.4s) 153-253 x 49-149 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (10.4-10.5s) 150-250 x 48-148 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (10.5-10.6s) 149-249 x 48-148 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (10.6-10.7s) 150-250 x 47-147 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (10.7-10.8s) 155-255 x 49-149 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (10.8-10.9s) 157-257 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (10.9-11.0s) 158-258 x 54-154 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (11.0-11.1s) 158-258 x 55-155 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (11.1-11.2s) 158-258 x 55-155 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (11.2-11.3s) 158-258 x 55-155 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (11.3-11.4s) 157-257 x 55-155 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (11.4-11.5s) 157-257 x 55-155 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (11.5-11.6s) 157-257 x 55-155 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (11.6-11.7s) 156-256 x 55-155 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (11.7-11.8s) 156-256 x 56-156 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (11.8-11.9s) 156-256 x 56-156 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (11.9-12.0s) 155-255 x 56-156 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (12.0-12.1s) 155-255 x 56-156 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (12.1-12.2s) 155-255 x 56-156 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (12.2-12.3s) 154-254 x 56-156 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (12.3-12.4s) 154-254 x 56-156 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (12.4-12.5s) 154-254 x 56-156 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (12.5-12.6s) 153-253 x 56-156 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (12.6-12.7s) 153-253 x 56-156 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (12.7-12.8s) 153-253 x 56-156 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (12.8-12.9s) 150-250 x 55-155 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (12.9-13.0s) 136-236 x 47-147 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (13.0-13.1s) 135-235 x 45-145 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (13.1-13.2s) 137-237 x 46-146 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (13.2-13.3s) 143-243 x 46-146 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (13.3-13.4s) 149-249 x 48-148 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (13.4-13.5s) 153-253 x 51-151 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (13.5-13.6s) 152-252 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (13.6-13.7s) 151-251 x 55-155 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (13.7-13.8s) 147-247 x 55-155 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (13.8-13.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (13.9-14.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (14.0-14.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (14.1-14.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (14.2-14.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (14.3-14.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (14.4-14.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (14.5-14.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (14.6-14.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (14.7-14.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (14.8-14.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (14.9-15.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (15.0-15.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (15.1-15.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (15.2-15.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (15.3-15.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (15.4-15.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (15.5-15.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (15.6-15.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (15.7-15.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (15.8-15.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (15.9-16.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (16.0-16.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (16.1-16.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (16.2-16.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (16.3-16.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (16.4-16.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (16.5-16.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (16.6-16.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (16.7-16.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (16.8-16.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (16.9-17.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (17.0-17.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (17.1-17.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (17.2-17.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (17.3-17.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (17.4-17.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (17.5-17.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (17.6-17.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (17.7-17.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (17.8-17.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (17.9-18.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (18.0-18.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (18.1-18.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (18.2-18.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (18.3-18.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (18.4-18.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (18.5-18.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (18.6-18.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (18.7-18.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (18.8-18.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (18.9-19.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (19.0-19.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (19.1-19.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (19.2-19.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (19.3-19.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (19.4-19.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (19.5-19.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (19.6-19.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (19.7-19.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (19.8-19.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (19.9-20.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (20.0-20.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (20.1-20.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (20.2-20.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (20.3-20.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (20.4-20.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (20.5-20.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (20.6-20.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (20.7-20.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (20.8-20.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (20.9-21.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (21.0-21.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (21.1-21.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (21.2-21.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (21.3-21.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (21.4-21.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (21.5-21.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (21.6-21.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (21.7-21.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (21.8-21.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (21.9-22.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (22.0-22.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (22.1-22.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (22.2-22.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (22.3-22.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (22.4-22.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (22.5-22.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (22.6-22.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (22.7-22.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (22.8-22.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (22.9-23.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (23.0-23.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (23.1-23.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (23.2-23.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (23.3-23.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (23.4-23.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (23.5-23.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (23.6-23.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (23.7-23.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (23.8-23.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (23.9-24.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (24.0-24.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (24.1-24.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (24.2-24.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (24.3-24.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (24.4-24.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (24.5-24.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (24.6-24.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (24.7-24.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (24.8-24.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (24.9-25.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (25.0-25.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (25.1-25.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (25.2-25.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (25.3-25.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (25.4-25.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (25.5-25.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (25.6-25.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (25.7-25.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (25.8-25.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (25.9-26.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (26.0-26.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (26.1-26.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (26.2-26.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (26.3-26.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (26.4-26.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (26.5-26.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (26.6-26.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (26.7-26.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (26.8-26.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (26.9-27.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (27.0-27.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (27.1-27.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (27.2-27.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (27.3-27.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (27.4-27.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (27.5-27.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (27.6-27.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (27.7-27.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (27.8-27.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (27.9-28.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (28.0-28.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (28.1-28.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (28.2-28.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (28.3-28.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (28.4-28.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (28.5-28.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (28.6-28.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (28.7-28.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (28.8-28.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (28.9-29.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (29.0-29.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (29.1-29.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (29.2-29.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (29.3-29.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (29.4-29.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (29.5-29.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (29.6-29.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (29.7-29.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (29.8-29.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (29.9-30.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (30.0-30.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (30.1-30.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (30.2-30.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (30.3-30.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (30.4-30.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (30.5-30.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (30.6-30.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (30.7-30.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (30.8-30.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (30.9-31.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (31.0-31.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (31.1-31.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (31.2-31.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (31.3-31.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (31.4-31.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (31.5-31.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (31.6-31.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (31.7-31.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (31.8-31.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (31.9-32.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (32.0-32.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (32.1-32.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (32.2-32.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (32.3-32.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (32.4-32.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (32.5-32.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (32.6-32.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (32.7-32.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (32.8-32.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (32.9-33.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (33.0-33.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (33.1-33.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (33.2-33.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (33.3-33.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (33.4-33.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (33.5-33.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (33.6-33.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (33.7-33.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (33.8-33.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (33.9-34.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (34.0-34.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (34.1-34.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (34.2-34.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (34.3-34.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (34.4-34.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (34.5-34.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (34.6-34.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (34.7-34.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (34.8-34.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (34.9-35.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (35.0-35.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (35.1-35.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (35.2-35.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (35.3-35.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (35.4-35.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (35.5-35.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (35.6-35.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (35.7-35.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (35.8-35.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (35.9-36.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (36.0-36.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (36.1-36.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (36.2-36.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (36.3-36.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (36.4-36.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (36.5-36.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (36.6-36.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (36.7-36.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (36.8-36.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (36.9-37.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (37.0-37.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (37.1-37.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (37.2-37.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (37.3-37.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (37.4-37.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (37.5-37.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (37.6-37.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (37.7-37.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (37.8-37.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (37.9-38.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (38.0-38.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (38.1-38.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (38.2-38.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (38.3-38.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (38.4-38.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (38.5-38.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (38.6-38.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (38.7-38.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (38.8-38.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (38.9-39.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (39.0-39.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (39.1-39.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (39.2-39.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (39.3-39.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (39.4-39.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (39.5-39.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (39.6-39.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (39.7-39.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (39.8-39.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (39.9-40.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (40.0-40.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (40.1-40.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (40.2-40.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (40.3-40.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (40.4-40.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (40.5-40.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (40.6-40.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (40.7-40.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (40.8-40.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (40.9-41.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (41.0-41.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (41.1-41.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (41.2-41.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (41.3-41.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (41.4-41.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (41.5-41.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (41.6-41.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (41.7-41.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (41.8-41.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (41.9-42.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (42.0-42.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (42.1-42.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (42.2-42.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (42.3-42.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (42.4-42.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (42.5-42.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (42.6-42.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (42.7-42.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (42.8-42.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (42.9-43.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (43.0-43.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (43.1-43.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (43.2-43.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (43.3-43.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (43.4-43.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (43.5-43.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (43.6-43.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (43.7-43.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (43.8-43.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (43.9-44.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (44.0-44.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (44.1-44.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (44.2-44.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (44.3-44.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (44.4-44.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (44.5-44.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (44.6-44.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (44.7-44.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (44.8-44.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (44.9-45.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (45.0-45.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (45.1-45.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (45.2-45.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (45.3-45.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (45.4-45.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (45.5-45.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (45.6-45.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (45.7-45.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (45.8-45.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (45.9-46.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (46.0-46.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (46.1-46.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (46.2-46.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (46.3-46.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (46.4-46.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (46.5-46.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (46.6-46.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (46.7-46.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (46.8-46.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (46.9-47.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (47.0-47.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (47.1-47.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (47.2-47.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (47.3-47.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (47.4-47.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (47.5-47.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (47.6-47.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (47.7-47.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (47.8-47.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (47.9-48.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (48.0-48.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (48.1-48.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (48.2-48.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (48.3-48.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (48.4-48.5s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (48.5-48.6s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (48.6-48.7s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (48.7-48.8s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (48.8-48.9s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (48.9-49.0s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (49.0-49.1s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (49.1-49.2s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (49.2-49.3s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Box track: 1: (49.3-49.4s) 144-244 x 53-153 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Seed is : '298379d' [scale @ 0x8c5f8c0] w:720 h:480 fmt:yuv420p -> w:480 h:320 fmt:yuv420p flags:0x4 [redact @ 0x8c5fe40] Redaction with 494 tracks 1 1 [libx264 @ 0x8c53880] using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 Cache64 [New Thread 0xb7a8db40 (LWP 11772)] [New Thread 0xb728cb40 (LWP 11773)] [New Thread 0xb6a8bb40 (LWP 11774)] [New Thread 0xb5d20b40 (LWP 11775)] [libx264 @ 0x8c53880] profile High, level 2.1 [libx264 @ 0x8c53880] 264 - core 119 r2113 cc129ad - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec - Copyleft 2003-2011 - - options: cabac=1 ref=3 deblock=1:0:0 analyse=0x3:0x113 me=hex subme=7 psy=1 psy_rd=1.00:0.00 mixed_ref=1 me_range=16 chroma_me=1 trellis=1 8x8dct=1 cqm=0 deadzone=21,11 fast_pskip=1 chroma_qp_offset=-2 threads=3 sliced_threads=0 nr=0 decimate=1 interlaced=0 bluray_compat=0 constrained_intra=0 bframes=3 b_pyramid=2 b_adapt=1 b_bias=0 direct=1 weightb=1 open_gop=0 weightp=2 keyint=250 keyint_min=15 scenecut=40 intra_refresh=0 rc_lookahead=40 rc=abr mbtree=1 bitrate=500 ratetol=1.0 qcomp=0.60 qpmin=0 qpmax=69 qpstep=4 ip_ratio=1.40 aq=1:1.00 [New Thread 0xb551fb40 (LWP 11776)] [New Thread 0xb4d1eb40 (LWP 11777)] [New Thread 0xb451db40 (LWP 11778)] Output #0, mp4, to '/tmp/foo8.mp4': Metadata: major_brand : 3gp4 minor_version : 768 compatible_brands: 3gp43gp6 encoder : Lavf53.32.100 Stream #0:0(eng): Video: h264 (![0][0][0] / 0x0021), yuv420p, 480x320, q=-1--1, 500 kb/s, 15 tbn, 15 tbc Metadata: handler_name : VideoHandler Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: aac (@[0][0][0] / 0x0040), 16000 Hz, mono, 61 kb/s Metadata: handler_name : SoundHandler Stream mapping: Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 -> libx264) Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (copy) Press [q] to stop, [?] for help Assertion ref->buf->refcount > 0 failed at libavfilter/avfilter.c:150 Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted. 0xb7fdd424 in __kernel_vsyscall () (gdb) bt #0 0xb7fdd424 in __kernel_vsyscall () #1 0xb7dd51ef in __GI_raise (sig=6) at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:64 #2 0xb7dd8835 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:91 #3 0x080ac901 in store_in_pool (ref=) at libavfilter/avfilter.c:118 #4 avfilter_unref_buffer (ref=0x96f5ac0) at libavfilter/avfilter.c:153 #5 0x080a2648 in transcode_video (pkt_dts=, pkt_pts=, got_output=, pkt=, ist=) at ffmpeg.c:2187 #6 output_packet (ist=0x8c53040, ost_table=0x8c5f2a8, nb_ostreams=2, pkt=0xbfffcdbc) at ffmpeg.c:2271 #7 0x080a5656 in transcode (output_files=0x8c2ce40, nb_output_files=1, input_files=0x8c2c8a0, nb_input_files=1) at ffmpeg.c:3050 #8 0x0809b9d9 in main (argc=19, argv=) at ffmpeg.c:5148